An NGDS node is a web-accessible server that hosts at least one of the functional capabilities enumerated below to play a role in making geothermal-relevant data assets accessible.

How to be an NGDS node: Node Specification Criteria

USGIN software stack (GIN-stack)

GIN-Stack is an installation script designed to run on Ubuntu Linux version 12.04 or greater. GIN-Stack helps the user download and configure software that allows a server to act as a USGIN node.

Install a coupled Catalog Server and ArcGIS Server node

While any catalog server providing an OGC CSW endpoint can become a node in NGDS, we have developed documentation for implementing a USGIN-configurated catalog server through Geoportal. Please see that documentation and all necessary files at USGIN's GitHub.

NGDS Tier 3 Services Help Files

Content Model Guidelines

Simple Feature Content Model Guidelines. These guidelines are being proposed for use in USGIN for broader model development and documentation. This is a ‘living document’ that will be revised and updated as practice evolves

Please see NGDS Tier 3 Service Names, Layer Names, and URI tokens for tables describing NGDS tier 3 service naming conventions, mandatory layer names for those services, and tokens to be used in URIs for a given service. Name authorities for given data providers are also listed for use in forming URIs for tier 3 datasets.

These tier 3 service specifications are governed by information exchanges for each data type. To form a new information exchange for a type of geothermally-relevant data, and more information in general about information exchanges, see

The direct location of final version 1 NGDS documentation is available on a single GitHub page; see